Would I be a good candidate for liposuction and what areas would I get?

Ask Dr. Pane!

Atlantic Coast Aesthetics has built an excellent reputation for giving our patients great results, so it’s no wonder we get a lot of questions from people who are interested in all facets of cosmetic surgery. Since we’re in southern Florida, it’s also not surprising that we field a lot of questions and comments about liposuction and other related procedures. This week’s ACA Question of the Week comes from one of our viewers who asks, “Would I be a good candidate for Liposuction and what areas would I get?” Dr. Thomas A. Pane, our founder and Chief Medical Officer, chose to address this question because it’s a great opportunity to learn more about what liposuction can and cannot do, as well as some of the criteria he considers when deciding whether this procedure can actually help a given patient.

Dr. Pane noted that the patient in question sent in photos, which is always helpful but a distant second best to a live, in-person consultation where the problem areas can be evaluated in various postures and attitudes, such as sitting, standing and lying prone. On the images, there is fullness of the flanks and the bra roll area, some fullness in the abdomen and a bit of loose skin around the belly as well. In such cases, liposuction is an option, but Dr. Pane stresses that it may not be the only option for delivering the results the patient desires.

One concern many patients have concerns the inevitable scar from a tummy tuck. Many patients prefer to avoid this option because of uncertainty about where the scar will end up and how visible it will be. While for a tummy tuck the scar is normally concealed beneath the waistline of one’s underwear, liposuction does leave less scarring and therefore they opt for a full session of liposuction. Dr. Pane points out that this may be desirable for thinning out subcutaneous fat deposits around the back and sides. In Florida, where the laws governing cosmetic procedures in general and liposuction in particular are fairly stringent, doing the liposuction first often turns out to be a safer procedure.

The primary criteria to consider here are what the patient expects the ultimate outcome to be and the overall condition of the skin in the affected areas. If the skin is relatively firm and otherwise in good condition, liposuction may be the preferred option, leaving the possibility of having a tummy tuck on the table for later. However, some patients prefer to do this the other way around, having the tummy tuck and then returning later if necessary to have lipo done to help sculpt the problem areas. Patients who may find this to be more desirable are generally those who have a good deal of “pinchable” fat beneath the skin coupled with moderate to severe laxity in the areas of the fat deposits.

Normally, Dr. Pane says the ideal option would be to perform both procedures at the same time. This has the advantage of limiting the healing time to one set of invasive procedures and greatly reduces the possibility of the need for a second. However, depending upon the patient’s individual anatomy and preferences, the prospect of a second procedure either as a standalone or because revision has shown itself to be necessary should be discussed with the provider during the initial consultation to avoid unpleasant surprises later.

It is important to keep in mind that every person has a unique anatomy and reasons for how and why their body is the way it is. Because of this, there is no “one size fits all” option that works for every patient’s needs. Also, diligently adhering to the recommendations given by the surgeon and staff before, during and after the procedure greatly increase the chances of a satisfactory outcome and a swifter, easier recovery with less chance of postoperative complications. While there is no way to absolutely guarantee that these cannot occur, proper presurgical and postoperative aftercare can make a large difference in the final results the patient can expect.

If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic surgery and whether it might be an option for you, Dr. Pane and the staff of Atlantic Coast Aesthetics are more than happy to discuss your questions and concerns. Simply email us at https://acplasticsurg.com, call us at (561) 422-4116 or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Your question could be ACA’s next Question of the Week, answered live and in person by Dr. Pane in an upcoming Google Hangout. Remember, at ACA, we believe the only bad question is the one you don’t ask!

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