
How Long Does Recovery Last After First Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

The Question

Everyone is a little different, even if they look more or less identical to the naked eye. This is especially true when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Every patient and body has its own unique quirks, abilities and drawbacks, and healing is no exception. Knowing what sort of healing curve to expect and how to promote optimal healing after cosmetic surgical intervention is a key aspect of ensuring you get the best possible results. One example is the focus of this week’s Ask Dr. Pane segment. The viewer, from Instagram, asks, “How long does recovery take after first laser hair removal treatment?”

The Answer

Dr. Pane notes that whether you’re using laser or intense pulsed-light, also called IPL, hair removal, they both work basically the same way: by targeting the follicles in a given area which are in a specific phase of hair growth and damaging them so as to retard or stop recurrent hair growth. The problem, of course, is that you can’t tell just by looking what phase of growth a given hair in a given area is in, which is why multiple removal sessions are required to ensure maximum repression of the hair growth.

With that said, light-based hair removal treatments generally have very minimal side effects including reddening, tenderness, tingling and mild pain in the treatment area, like a mild to moderate sunburn. These generally subside quickly and require little intervention aside from basic aftercare. While some people may experience more drastic side effects, these are quite rare and can be moderated by following pre-procedural protocols and good clinical aftercare practices.

Generally, the recovery from light-based hair removal therapy is very quick, usually measured in days. However, to ensure optimal recovery, patients are usually recommended to avoid activities such as sunning, tanning, hot tubbing, going to the beach and so forth, especially if the area in question is in a location which would be exposed in a bathing suit. Likewise, patients usually experience better recovery with less issues if they avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and other environmental and habitual factors which might interfere with healing. Some people may need a special soothing cream or lotion to help facilitate recovery, but again this is rare. The vast majority of people who undergo laser hair removal or IPL go straight from the clinic back to work and their regular lives, and experience good recovery with common-sense aftercare protocols.

RealSelf Patient Reviews of Thomas A. Pane, MD

From a clinical standpoint, Dr. Pane observes many practitioners like to space out treatments at least four weeks apart. This is because while the surface may appear fine, healing may still be going on under the surface. In addition, this gives the remaining hair follicles time to cycle through their growth phases again and hopefully get to a point in their cycles where the light therapy will achieve the best possible results. Most people detect a noticeable difference after the first treatment, but this won’t be the case in every situation or for every patient. Understanding what to expect and setting reasonable, realistic goals for the expected outcomes is an important step to making sure you get the results you want.

Not every patient or hair and skin type is a good candidate for light-based hair removal therapy, so it’s important to check with your preferred provider to discuss options which are most likely to achieve the best results. It is also critical to follow any and all pre- and post-treatment care protocols and keep in contact with your provider to make sure everything is proceeding as expected. It’s always better to ask if you’re not sure than to let a potential problem which could be easily resolved get out of hand!

If you have a question about any facet of cosmetic surgery, the staff of Atlantic Coast Aesthetics is always happy to discuss your needs, interests and concerns. Simply email us through our contact page; follow us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter; or call us at (561) 422-4116. Your question might even help ACA and Dr. Pane to inform and educate other patients who share your interests and concerns as the focus of an upcoming Ask Dr. Pane segment, where Dr. Pane answers your questions in a live Google hangout. It’s just one more way we try to give you the information you need to make good decisions and advocate for yourself and your care as you journey toward the body you’ve always wanted. Remember, at ACA we believe the only bad question is the one you don’t ask!


*Individual results may vary

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