
Am I A Good Candidate For A Tummy Tuck?

Dr. Pane evaluates the case of a man who wants to explore abdominoplasty after rapid, substantial weight loss.

The Question

Cosmetic surgery is becoming an increasingly popular option for both women and men who are unhappy with their appearance or who want to change how they look and feel. While cosmetic surgery is far more common among women, it is certainly not unusual for men either. One example is the topic of this week’s Ask Dr. Pane segment. The patient asks, “I am in my mid-thirties and recently lost a lot of weight. I’m down around 200lbs right now and am planning to lose more weight in the next couple of months. Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck?”

The Case

Dr. Pane evaluated the photographs the patient included with his question. From the pictures, he observed a great deal of loose, lax skin around the abdomen. However, the pictures did not clearly show the underarms or inner thighs, both of which tend to show the effects of rapid weight loss as well, making it difficult to properly evaluate the patient’s entire body. This being said, pictures are always a good starting point, but are not a substitute for in-person clinical evaluation and examination to determine both the extent and severity of the issue, as well as any accompanying factors which may need to be considered.

Dr. Pane’s Answer

Judging from the loose skin evident in the photographs the patient provided, in this case the patient appears to be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. This procedure is not as commonly done or recommended for men because unlike women, men do not deal with pregnancy and the rapid weight gains and losses accompanying it. This is why constellation procedures including tummy tucks, breast lifts and so on are generally called “Mommy makeovers.” Normally, men are only recommended to undergo tummy tuck procedures when there is an abundance of loose skin after rapid weight loss.

One issue this patient may encounter is the question of scarring. Dr. Pane states that from the amount of loose skin, and given that it appears to be predominantly in the front rather than stretching around the sides and back, it should not be necessary to make an incision all the way around, behind the back. Most if not all the scarring from the tummy tuck should be easily concealed with underwear and limited to the area where the skin looseness is most pronounced. However, Dr. Pane notes that tummy tucks usually involve a trade-off between loose skin and scars, and while scars can be mitigated, they cannot be completely avoided or concealed.

While the scarring from the tummy tuck is relatively simple to conceal, if the loose skin on the inner thighs and arms is sufficiently present to require tucking as well, this will leave scars which may be more visible. Dr. Pane stated that from the photos, there is no reason to believe extensive remediation of these areas will be necessary, but that a final judgment would depend on the outcome of a clinical evaluation and/or another set of photos to properly study the areas in question. Overall, Dr. Pane says he feels this patient would be an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck and should expect excellent results based on the available information.

It is important to remember that all answers given here are intended to be informational in nature only. A patient’s individual medical history, desired outcomes and other factors may influence or completely change the available options based on patient safety and what is most likely to achieve the outcome the patient desires. These can only be properly assessed through clinical in-person evaluation. In addition, patients are strongly urged to perform their own due diligence and make sure they feel secure in both the skills and rapport of the surgeon with whom they work.

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If you have a question about cosmetic surgery, no matter your gender or interest, the staff of Atlantic Coast Aesthetics is always happy to discuss your interests and concerns. Simply follow us on Facebook or Twitter, contact us through our website at https://acplasticsurg.com or call us at (561) 422-4116. Your question might even help us educate other patients with your unique interests as the focus of an upcoming Ask Dr. Pane segment, answered live in a Google Hangout. Remember, at ACA, we believe the only bad question is the one you don’t ask!





*Individual results may vary

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