
What is LATISSE™?
How does LATISSE work?
How do I receive LATISSE treatments?

Does LATISSE replace my mascara?
No, LATISSE does not replace your mascara. However, mascara is a great complement to LATISSE™ to help make your new longer eyelashes look even longer and more attractive.
What will happen to my eyelashes if I stop using LATISSE?
Your eyelashes will return to their previous appearance over several weeks if you stop using LATISSE.
What are the possible side effects of LATISSE?
Some patients have reported that after using LATISSE solution they experienced an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness. Other cause other less common side effects on the skin close to where LATISSE is applied include skin darkening, eye irritation, dryness of the eyes, and redness of the eyelids.
What is skin hyperpigmentation?
This is a common skin condition in which areas of skin become darker than the surrounding skin color and may be a possible side effect of LATISSE. It is caused by an increase in the brown pigment that produces normal skin color, in the skin.
Could LATISSE cause the color of my eyes to change?
Patients using a similar drug, placed directly into the eye, to treat elevated intraocular pressure/glaucoma have experienced a change in the color of their iris pigment. However, patients using LATISSE have not reported any iris pigment changes. This is most likely because LATISSE is only 5% of the volume an is applied to the base of the upper eyelashes vs. when applied directly into the eye. Most of LATISSE™ is absorbed by the skin at the upper eyelid margin.
Is LATISSE safe?
LATISSE™ is an FDA-approved prescription treatment for hypotrichosis used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker. The FDA reviewed the LATISSE clinical study and found the product to be safe and effective for its intended use if used as prescribed.
If you’re not happy with the lashes you were born with LATISSE™ is a great option that delivers real results.