Vaginoplasty is performed by plastic surgeon, Dr. Thomas Pane in Palm Beach, so women no longer have to suffer with vaginal looseness that occurs with childbirth or aging. The stigma associated with vaginal surgery for vaginal tightening, to enhance sexual pleasure or improve the appearance of the vagina, is gone. Women now actively seek to improve their vagina, including stretched muscles and supporting tissues, to restore their youthful feeling.
What is Vaginoplasty?
Vaginal rejuvenation surgery, or Vaginoplasty, is performed by reconstructing and tightening the vagina to a smaller, more normal sized opening. Vaginoplasty is specialized surgery to tighten the vaginal walls and reinforce the vaginal support of muscles and connective tissues.
How is it performed?
Dr. Pane performs Vaginoplasty with the patient under conscious sedation or with local anesthesia. The length of the procedure is typically 1 – 2 hours. Healing usually takes approximately 6 weeks. Patients may choose to combine Vaginoplasty with Labiaplasty for sexual enhancement and to relieve any discomfort and self consciousness they may have had in the past.
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